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Midnight Breakfast

Event Production
Creative Direction

Social Media Marketing
Each semester, Chapman University's Program Board (UPB) produces Midnight Breakfast during finals week. The event takes place on the first night of finals week in the student union on campus, ending at midnight. It offers free breakfast food to students and features performances by various dance and acapella groups on campus, allowing students to take a break during finals, see their peers, and have a bit of time to destress.

This is a themed event, and in December 2022, our theme was Pirates of the Caribbean. UPB committee members used disposable cameras to take pictures of the event and the attendees throughout the night.

Aside from overseeing the entirety of the event planning and production process, I also designed the event branding which translated into the Instagram graphics and merchandise for the event, including shirts, bandanas, and stickers.

For more events produced working for Chapman UPB, please click here (link in progress, stay tuned).

Instagram graphics designed as
a carousel post to announce the event

© Gabriella Stein-Sigal 2024 — Huntington Beach, CA